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钻石结晶于地球深处地幔岩浆之中,环境复杂,成分多样,温度压力极高,历经亿万年的地质变化,其内部难免含有各种杂物或存在瑕疵。这些内含物的颜色、多少、大小、位置分布对钻石净度构成不同程度的影响。 钻石的净度通常使用10倍放大镜对钻石内部、表面瑕疵及其对光彩影响程度对未镶嵌钻石的净度级别进行分级,按中国国检的标准细分为LC、VVS1、VVS2、VS1、VS2、SI1、SI2、P1、P2、P3共10个级别。已镶嵌钻石划分为极好、很好、好、较好,一般5个级别。P级钻又称为I级钻。P级钻以下一般不作为宝石用钻,所以一般只分到P级,不再分P1\P2\P3。


钻石有多种天然色泽,由珍贵的无色(切磨后白色),罕见的浅蓝、粉红到常见的微黄不等。愈是透明无色,白色愈是能穿透,经折射和色散后更是缤纷多彩。 钻石色泽分级是在专业实验室的分级环境中,由技术人员将待分级钻石与标准色泽比色石反复对比而确定。 最白的钻石定为D集(即从Diamond的第一个字母开始)。钻石色泽共分为11个级别,依次分别为:D、E、F、G、H、I、J、K、L、M、N。


钻石的切工是指它的切磨比率的精确性和修饰完工后的完美性而言。 好的切工应尽可能的体现钻石的亮度和火彩,并且尽量保持原石重量。IGI国际宝石学院的切工等级从高到低分为 ID(标准)、EX(优)、VG(很好)G(好),中国国检分为:EX(优)、VG (很好)、G(好) 在中国,普通人一般看重量的大小来衡量钻石价值。实际上不科学。因为中国比较流行小钻。因此,比较流行的概念是优质光彩钻石。优质光彩的钻石一般是把握4C的三个原则:净度(Clarity)、色泽(Colour)、切工(Cut),并且三个标准要同时达到一定的标准。

自己多看多学 才入行就更要学习了!


您这篇文章与favorite Olympic moment的标题有点离题。文章内容介绍的是Phelps 及他的成就,而不是他在奥运夺标时你的感受,比如他险胜的精彩一幕。不过,从纯粹语法研究的角度,下面是我的意见。

Please note that words within () are mistakes replaced by a word or words immediately after each of them. Words within 【 】are add-ins.

Someone can be impressed by a rich assembly of ancient Chinese art and culture, the spectacular fireworks, the peaceful atmosphere on the opening ceremony; the zealous volunteers who were busy provide athletes and tourists with services; the utter speed of Usain Bolt----perhaps these are the most memorable moments from 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. However, I have (chose a) chosen the moment that Michael Phelps won 8 gold medals and held seven world records in swimming because he surpassed Mark Spitz, who was also a swimmer and (had held the previous gold medal total with the seven) holder of seven gold medals that he won at the 1972 Munich Olympic Games.

Overall, Phelps has won 16 Olympic medals. Phelps was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland, and grew up in the Rodgers Forge neighborhood. In his youth, Phelps was diagnosed with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). He started swimming at age seven, partly because of the influence of his sisters and partly to provide him with an outlet for his energy. He excelled as a swimmer, and by the age of 10 held a national record for his age group. More age group records followed, and Phelps's rapid improvement culminated in his qualifying for the 2000 Summer Olympics at the age of 15. However, when he was 12 years old, he 【had】 lost a game, so he lost his temper and caught the winner’s blinkers off. His coach said to him:” if you lose the game again, never do the things like this." He never did it in the following years for he never lost (the game any more)a game ever since.

After he graduated from senior school, he started his training from 5 am to 7:30 am, after a short break, he continued his training in the afternoon. In a word, he could swim as long as 12 miles one day. He said:” nobody can stand swimming such a long miles except me.” Phelps's international titles, along with his various world records, have resulted in him being awarded the World Swimmer of the Year Award in 2003, 2004, 2006, and 2007 and American Swimmer of the Year Award in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, and 2007. Phelps has won a total of 48 career medals thus far: 40 (gold) golds, six silvers and two (bronze) bronzes. (This includes) These include all of the Championships in which he (has) had competed: The Olympics, the World Championships, and the Pan Pacific Championships.

Phelps was born to swim on the world stage. Said Phelps, upon completing the event that awarded him his eighth gold medal and eighth Olympic record in as many events, “Records are always made to be broken no matter what they are… Anybody can do anything that (they set their) he sets his mind to.” M. Moore (says) said it best in the sentence,” Victory won’t come to me unless I go to it.” By training hard and 【with】enough confidence, Phelps【has】stood on the top of the Olympic stage.



The moment a child begins school,作状语,这个状语里面有个定语从句,省去了which:在小孩一开始上学的时候。he enters a world of vicious competition where success and failure are clearly defined and measured. he 作主语,enters 作谓语 competition 作宾语,a world of vicious 作定语 where success and failure are clearly defined and measured. 这个是定语从句。 can wonder 作谓语。increasing number of “drop-outs” 同样是宾语。冒号后面解释 drop out :

who are written off as utter failures before they have even embarked on a career 定语从句。are written是系表结构。

第二句,As anxiety-makers 作为焦虑者,是状语,examinations 主语 are 系动词 none 表语。

That 主语 is because so much depends谓语 on them 整句话是一个宾语从句哈。. They 主语

are 系动词作谓语 the mark表语 of success of failure (in our society.状语)(Your whole future 主语)may be(谓语)

decided被动( in one fateful day.状语)it doesn’t matter that you weren’t feeling very

well, or that your mother died.


that you weren’t feeling very

well, or that your mother died +doesn’t matter。所以doesn’t是谓语。

(No one 主语)(can give of 谓语)(his best宾语)( when he is in mortal terror, or after a

sleepless night定语 两个定语从句并列), yet this (主语,指逗号前半句)is谓语 precisely (what the examination system (expects谓语) him

to do.宾语从句)

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书名:Utter Incompetents

作者:Oliphant, Thomas




Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, et al are not stupid people. But based on their policy, the question is: How can so many intelligent people be so dumb? It is easy to dismiss Bush as stupid, when in fact he is, rather, a clever man, and a brilliant demagogue - easily the best of the past hundred years. Bush is anti-intellectual, utterly and smugly incurious, and very likely dyslexic - but no, he is not an idiot, as some would have it. In fact, he is politically very clever.The syndicated political columnist and PBS commentator brings his years of opinionated, yet rational, political analysis to the table as he examines several arenas of the failed Bush regime: environmental policy, fiscal policy, health care, social security, education, industry, science and technology, taxation, foreign relations and more.By comparing their rhetoric to their dismal political record, Oliphant provides a useful historical analysis of the Bush Administration - and explains how a system so seemingly competent and mechanised could fail so miserably, and with such frequency. In the wake of the mid-term restructuring and promise for future change, "Utter Incompetents" provides a unique and sound investigation of what went wrong in this political operation - and what this means for a Bush legacy, and the next administration.







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